Dog Health is what this site is really all about. You’ll find other topics, but the focus is keeping your dog healthy, mainly by natural and holistic means.
Can a dog die from eating chocolate? – Yes, chocolate is potentially lethal to dogs. But fortunately we can make the necessary provisions to keep them away from this danger. Avoid giving your dog any chocolate at all and no problem will arise. But what happens if a dog eats chocolate? Read on …
Despite the nasty clean-up that follows it, diarrhea is not necessarily a bad thing. It is actually the dog’s internal defense to eliminate harmful substances from his body. As such, do not be alarmed when his increased stool movement is accompanied with some vomiting. As long as the canines do not show signs of lethargy, bloating, extremely high-fever and have… Read more »
If you are thinking of acquiring a dog, be prepared of dog worms. There is a high chance that your dog has worms already breeding in his body. While this sounds disgusting, be comforted in the fact that worms are relatively easy to treat and prevent. There is an effective treatment of pinworms and roundworms that is available for the… Read more »
Did you know that the majority of dogs in the world are born with puppy worms? That sounds disgusting, but it’s true. Pregnant dogs that have been infected with worms pass it on to their offspring even while he is still in her womb. The larvae migrate to the womb to the baby and when the young pup is introduced… Read more »
What is canine diabetes? Most pet owners hate the thought of their beloved dog being sick and indeed, dog diabetes is a common and dreaded canine sickness. Fortunately, it can be managed easily enough with the right treatment, diet and exercise. Diabetes in dogs is also sometimes referred to as diabetes mellitus. This is caused by the dog’s pancreas inability… Read more »
Canine Worms Canine worms are a common malady that many of our furry friends have to deal with. Often, the dogs are infected in birth and they carry it with them until adulthood if nothing is done about them. There are many treatments available to cure these internal parasites, but it would be wise to study what you give… Read more »
It is said that almost all puppies that are born are already infected with worms. And even if the puppy is born without worms, it is very easy to contract these internal parasites outdoors. What do we need to know about puppy worming and when should I start de-worming treatments for my pet? You can start de-worming your puppy as… Read more »
If you are a pet owner, you cannot help but want the best for your pet. It makes you happy when you see your dog in all his tail-wagging glory. Conversely, it’s a frustrating feeling to see your dog in the throes of some sort of canine condition and not know what it is. When you know the symptoms of… Read more »
Canine worms are something all pet owners have to deal with. Indeed, it is one of the most common problems that our pets have. The good news is that there are ways to prevent and cure it easily enough. However, when left untreated, it can escalate to more serious health complications that can endanger your dog’s life. Usually these internal… Read more »
Dog Worms Did you know that most puppies are born into this world with dog worms? If their moms had a worm infestation problem that was not properly addressed, it is almost a sure thing that these worms will be transmitted to the baby still in the womb. I know that doesn’t seem fair, right? There are some things you… Read more »