In the fast-paced world we live in, convenience is king – or is it? You come across commercial pet feed easy enough and no doubt it is a very convenient way to feed your pet; but for the wise and discerning pet owner homemade dog treats are still better. It may take a bit more time but they are worth it for sure.
You won’t run out of homemade dog treats to choose from nowadays. In fact, you can pass by the average supermarket and find at least half a dozen variants of dry kibble of different brands. Most, if not all, are at best nutritionally bereft. It is a much better idea to serve your dog dishes you prepare yourself. If you are asking why, here are some excellent reasons why it is so.
1. Home made dog treats are a lot healthier. Isn’t that the priority of every well-meaning and loving master? By creating your own dog’s treats, you can manage their diet well and add in more vitamins and nutrients that will help him to be a good-looking and stronger canine you’ve always wanted him to be.
2. You are lowering the chance of your pet to be a victim of pet food recalls. Judging by what has happened in the past, there is always still a possibility that some preservatives or other additives may be fatal for some dogs. You reduce this potential risk by plying him with more natural fare.
3. It may be that you have a pet that have special health needs. In certain situations, you may need to create specific food plans to help in his recovery. More often than not, the diet is critical to the canine’s general well-being. Consult a licensed veterinarian and have your dog examined regularly. Ask him what food he recommends to give your pet and use this information to improve your dog’s health.
4. And last but not the least – homemade canine food is a lot more delicious! It doesn’t matter what the labels on attractive pet food bags say – I can tell you right now that Fido will love your culinary creations more than the dry kibble in the grocery store. Bake and allow to set pieces of liver or carrots or hotdogs; sprinkle with mouth watering parmesan cheese and watch the excitement in your doggie as you hand feed him these gems.
Now, some people are saying that preparing these treats from scratch will turn out to be more expensive that buying ready-made food. Actually, this is not the case if you plan their menus right. With only a few cups of flour, a couple of eggs and spoonsful of peanut butter – you can have some very good biscuits that will last for a few months when stored properly. Doesn’t that sound good?
Homemade dog treats may require a bit more work for sure but its benefits far exceed any trouble it may be for you. Don’t believe me still? No problem, try it out and find out for yourself how valuable these treats are when you do.