How to Treat Puppy Urinary Infections

How to Treat Puppy Urinary Infections

puppy urinary infectionsIs your puppy having urination problems such as excessive urination, lethargy, pain while urinating, producing small amounts of urine, smelly urine, or worse, bloody urine or producing no urine at all? The urinating problem of your puppy may be caused by puppy urinary infections.

Puppy urinary infections can cause a lot of discomfort to the pet. Likewise, these conditions can cause headaches to the owners. Since puppies with infections go through so much pain, owners have all the right in the world to worry and fret. If you have a puppy and it is exhibiting the above-mentioned symptoms, you would likely panic and give the puppy treatment which you think is best to help alleviate his condition. However, before you give your puppy any treatment, remember that anything you give without prescription from a professional may only aggravate the condition of your puppy. Hence, instead of attempting to heal the puppy’s discomfort yourself, seek the help of the vet. Proper diagnosis will help determine the right treatment.

The vet will likely perform physical examination and urinalysis to determine the cause of the puppy’s urination problems. If bacteria are the culprit, the vet will likely prescribe antibiotics especially when the condition has reached its advanced stage, posing a great threat to the puppy. However, antibiotics can only suppress the growth and action of bacteria; they cannot kill bacteria outright. Hence, there is always a possibility of recurrence of infection.

To prevent the recurrence of puppy urinary infections, try changing your puppy’s diet. If he was into dry puppy food, give him wet puppy food instead. Especially avoid giving your puppy grain-based foods as these kinds of food are thought to cause imbalance in the pH level of the puppy’s urine, leading to the recurrence of puppy urinary infection. Moreover, make sure that your puppy is getting enough clean water inside its system. Increased water intake can help flush out the bacteria and toxins that may have infiltrated and accumulated in the puppuppy urinary infectionspy’s urinary system. However, do not just give it ANY kind of water. Tap water is a no-no for a puppy with urinary infection because it may contain harsh contaminants and bacteria that may only aggravate the puppy’s condition. Give it filtered water, instead.

Homeopathic remedies are also a good option. Aside from being affordable, homeopathic remedies have been proven to be effective in treating and preventing puppy urinary infections. This holistic mode of treatment and prevention is safe, too, so you do not have to worry about dangerous side effects and over doses. Uva ursi, cantharis, and berberis vulgaris are among the known homeopathic ingredients. Homeopathic remedies can be bought over-the-counter and in online stores at a conveniently fair price.

Homeopathic remedies are, however, quite different from home-made or do-it-yourself treatment. Do not attempt to concoct your own formula to treat puppy urinary infections. A slight mistake in the dose or mixture may create more damage than good. It is wiser to use a formula that has already been proven effective and safe.

Now that you have read the whole article, perhaps you now have an idea on how to treat puppy urinary infections. Take these pointers in mind and help your puppy achieve overpuppyall good health.

Melissa Simmonds

Melissa Simmonds is a dog enthusiast, much like me! She tells me she has carried out an informal study on dogs and puppies and has browsed related topics on puppy urinary infections. If you are looking for more information on puppy urinary infection and general puppy health, visit the most comprehensive resource online – yes, it’s!

But meanwhile, head on over to that online store for homeopathic remedies, and check out the homeopathic puppy urinary infection prevention remedyclick here.

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