Treatment for Dog Joint Pain

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Treatment for Dog Joint Pain

Treatment for Dog Joint PainTreatment for dog joint pain is becoming a much more common problem for pet owners, and at an ever earlier age in your dog’s life. Arthritis in humans is an ever-increasing problem, and so it is with your dog. Dog joint pain is caused by inflammation of a joint or joints. Joint pain in your dog is often an indication of dog arthritis. Arthritis can occur in any of your dog’s joints, causing pain. So any dog hip pain or dog shoulder pain or any type of dog joint pain could well be an indicator that your dog has arthritis.

In fact, the most common cause of dog joint pain is osteoarthritis, a degenerative disease of the joints. Symptoms are most often a gradual onset of lameness of your dog’s limbs. Limpness and weakness are types of lameness you might notice. Your dog may also be less excited about going for walks, and may play less, and even display some difficulty with going up and down steps, not to mention climbing up on furniture if you allow your dog on the furniture.

Stiffness will be evident particularly after your dog has been lying down for a long period – in the mornings and after long naps during the day, or after dinner when your dog may nap for a couple of hours before bed. Your dog may recoil from you, or even whimper when you touch his limbs or particular parts of his limbs. Unless your dog has just suffered an injury, this is a sure sign of dog joint pain.

So what is available in terms of treatment for dog joint pain?

Dog Joint PainThere is dog pain medicine that will help treat the inflammation. However, there is no need to give your dog aspirin for pain (and you definitely should never give any human medicine such as aspirin or ibuprofen, without veterinary advice – which is unlikely to be forthcoming).

And many dog owners find that natural treatments for arthritis in dogs are more helpful. Glucosamine for dogs and MSM for dogs are two of the more natural methods for treatment as herbal remedies. Glucosamine is a naturally occurring ingredient that is found in most foods. It has anti inflammatory components that are best for osteoarthritis.

A lot of people have heard of glucosamine, and many have also heard of MSM as components of a treatment for dog joint pain caused by arthritis. But there is also another ingredient that is much less well known (although it has been gaining considerable publicity lately), and that’s Cetyl Myristoleate (or CM8) for short).

FlexPet has all three components, and more. It has received some great reviews, as well as testimonials from pet owners whose pets have experienced quite astounding results even when their pet has become significantly disabled with joint pain.

Try it by clicking on the below pictures! There’s lots of information at the site about this exciting new product.

Treatment for Dog Joint Pain

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About Brigitte Smith

Brigitte Smith is an entrepreneur with a love of dogs and a healthy lifestyle. Brigitte is passionate about holistic health alternatives for dogs, most of which are today suffering foreshortened lifespans in the wake of a lifetime diet of commercial pet food, and further contributed to by unnecessary over-vaccination and chemicals and poisons applied topically and internally. is one of Brigitte's sites dedicated to dog health, and in particular dog food reviews.

1 thought on “Treatment for Dog Joint Pain

  1. Gale

    I treat my dog holistically. When my 10 year old male would not put weight on one of his front legs, I put him on rest for a while, and when he was no better, in case it was a break, I brought him to the vet. It wasn’t a break, and I was told to bring him back the following morning for xrays to identify what was the cause of the pain in his paw and knee joint.

    I thought about it and did a Reiki treatment on him, and kept him on crate rest for a few hours. When it was time to go to bed, I let the other dogs out, and took him out of the crate and told him to stay on the porch. He was not limping and he did pee on the porch (good boy), but went down into the yard to poop, and then he started chasing the puppy.

    He hasn’t limped since.

    Reiki works; I know. I have used it on dogs and cats, and I was introduced to it on my horse. Someone had ridden him without putting either a pad or blanket under the saddle, and his back was severely inflamed; a Reiki practitioner was treating the horse in the next stall, and offered his help. Since my vet was busy with calving, I agreed. The 20 minute treatment seemed to help, and the practitioner said one more treatment should do it, and he was right.

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