Pet Vitamin Supplements Can Solve Many Problems, and May Even Lengthen Your Dog’s Life Span!
There is evidence to suggest that a good holistic pet supplement for your dog not only helps prevent, improve or cure many degenerative type illnesses and disease, but may actually lengthen your dog’s life span. Really!
This is particularly the indication if you start giving your dog a pet vitamin supplement while your dog is young and healthy, rather than waiting for your dog to get sick or show the usual signs of aging and degeneration.
So let’s start with a little lesson on the cause, and effects, of disease. …
Disease is a process which gradually debilitates the cells of an organism. The organism may be you, or me, or your dog (or mine!)
Debilitated cells are unable to rebuild, regenerate and repair damage which inevitably occurs just through the fact of being alive and moving day by day closer to the end of life. Of course, much greater damage can be caused by poor nutrition or other dietary deficiencies or excesses, environmental poisons, physical and/or emotional stress or insufficient exercise. In short, anything which pushes the organism past its optimum capacity, or causes it to fall short of its optimum capacity, can and will cause damage and will debilitate the cells.
Do you ever supplement your own diet and lifestyle with vitamins and/or minerals?
Me too.
But you know what? It didn’t occur to me that my beautiful dogs would benefit from a good pet vitamin supplement until recent years.
I always (wrongly) assumed that if I gave my dogs a largely natural diet of raw meat and bones, with the occasional addition of steamed vegetables and rice, and with a morning snack of a small handful of commercial dry dog food, my dogs would always remain in tip top health. (I no longer feed my dogs any commercial dog food).
Luckily for me, I was on the right track, and my dogs have always been very healthy. My vet routinely compliments me on their great teeth and gums and wonderful general health.
But as they started getting past their prime, some health concerns started popping up. Kara, my Rottweiler, started developing arthritis and the effects of hip dysplasia (which she’s had since very young, but without any symptoms). Similar to my own parents (who’re well into their 60’s), Kara started to look a bit older and stiffer when she moved, and especially when she got up after lying still for a while.
So I started Kara on a pet vitamin supplement. And, oh, what a difference! It took a few weeks to kick in, but once I’d found the right dose and the vitamins started to show their effects, Kara appeared more youthful – less stiff – and she didn’t look so uncomfortable when moving around. It really has done wonders.
And still I didn’t “get it” in general terms. Because Kara clearly had a problem, I decided to treat that problem with a pet vitamin supplement. But I didn’t think to treat Jet, my Staffordshire Bull Terrier, as well, which I should have done just to keep her in tip top health even though she had no specific problems back then. Besides which, Kara takes her pet vitamin supplement in tablet form, and you may recall that Jet is a tablet nightmare!
But when Jet was also diagnosed with the early stages of a degenerative disease – gradual loss of her eyesight – the penny finally dropped. I thought “Why on earth am I not giving Jet a vitamin supplement as well?” So I use a tablet crusher and mix the crushed tablet with peanut butter. Yes, these tablets crush pretty well. And Jet eats them! I have to admit that she still looks suspiciously at the concoction each day, but the lure of the peanut butter usually gets the better of her!
Nowadays I absolutely swear by a good pet vitamin supplement. I really don’t know why I didn’t think them necessary long ago. But better late than never.
And my dogs are now in peak health even though they’re both 12 years old. Sure, in the last 2 to 3 years I’ve had to add a few additional things like a natural arthritis treatment. But 12 years old for a Rottweiler, in particular, is not bad at all!
Hi Bridget if you can find a vitamin lower in Phosphorus please let me know. This is too high. I’m givin my girl Nature Farmact Vits, and the phos is still high but this is higher. Dogs with Kidney Problems Phos is the killer. Thanx for the info though
Hi Billie,
I’ve just checked out a number of pet vitamin supplements as to what their phosphorous content is – several of them have more than double the amount of phosphorous in them than the pet vitamin supplement I recommend above, and none that I could find has less (and some don’t specify exact quantities).
If your Sheltie has a problem with her kidneys, then go with whatever you’re currently using if that’s what’s been recommended to you by your vet (or someone else in the know about kidney disease in dogs).
Hi Brigitte,
I’m writing an article about pet supplements and would like to talk to you about how you’ve started giving your dogs supplements. Please email me and we can chat.
Dear Brigitte,
I don’t give multivitamins on a regular basis to my gang, but I do add suplements to the raw meat and veggie diet.
I give, on a regular basis, deep sea fish oil, aloe vera gel,spirulina and alfalfa, vitamin C (preferably non acidic). From time to time they get probiotics like acidophilus. After an event like deworming,they get Milk Thistle.
I have stopped the yearly vaccinations because I feel it is a big scam. You wouldn’t hammer human immune systems in this way. We already see problems like autism arising from the use of combination shots.
I am also not keen on the overuse of toxic deworming medications. There are natural ingredients one can add to food which help to deter parasites from taking hold.
In keeping with my dislike of using too many chemicals, I only use perythrine anti flea shampoo.
I also use home made sprays containing essential oils to deter infestation in the first place.
When I rescued Douglas Doberman, he was a walking skeleton. Belonging to a rich Khmer family, he had been hit by a car some eight months previously and being damaged goods was given over to the caretaker family of an empty villa. These people receive no salary, just an allowance to buy rice.
So, not only did Dougie not receive any treatment for his broken front leg, but got very little to eat as well.His elbow became infected and a lot of the bone had been eaten away. When I took him to the vet, it was so bad that he initially suspected cancer!!!
Some years later, he is a happy member of the pack and is surprisingly agile.
At first he was on regular treatment with Metacam which did get rid of the pain and helped heal the joint.
He is now on a daily dosage of Glucosamine Sulphate which I feel is a more natural way to go.
I think this would probably help with rhumatism as well.
Hope all your lot are well and happy.
Best regards, Bill.
Hello Bill,
It sounds as if you’re doing everything right! Your dogs must be brimming with health.
Poor Dougie. Imagine being tossed aside because he got injured. Just terrible. But lucky he met you!
A must read for everyone is “Natural Nutrition for Dogs and Cats” by Kymythy Schultze. Published by Hay House. She started me off in the right direction and have not looked back since!
I love Louise Hay! I didn’t know her publishing house actually published “Natural Nutrition for Dogs and Cats”, but it doesn’t surprise me.
Louise has an amazing background herself, and her own books are among my favorites.