It’s not as difficult as you might think to prepare homemade dog food. In fact, once you start to do it, you might wonder what took you so long to start it in the first place. In actuality, it’s good for both you and your dog, because it will save you money and be more nutritious for your pet.
The food that you make at home for your dog will be healthier compared to the pet food that you get from the store. There is a possibility that your dog may enjoy the home made food more than the tinned and dry pet food.
Every dog is different, and every dog has different tastes. Some will eat anything, but others are picky about food and will only eat certain things. You have you learn what they’ll eat, just remember to be patient.
Making homemade dog food requires a lot of patience. You’ll have work by trial and error with your dog’s food, sadly he can’t write you a review, and it’s hard to know except by experimenting what ingredients he might be objecting to. Be sure and prepare small quantities, no sense wasting ingredients on a meal your dog will walk away from.
Remember to stay with the basics. Remember too that most pet food sold in stores contains meat (poultry, beef, and so on); this is because dogs need it in their diet. Meat should be the main part of their diet even though they are omnivores. It is important to remember this when shoping for their food. Only buy leaner meats if your dog is overweight. Fat is actually good for your dog. Still, it’s best to trim the fat off of meat for overweight dogs.
You might think to begin your recipe hunting for home made pet food on the labels of commercial offerings. But with most brands of pet food, you’ll be out of luck looking there, unless you check the labels of the highest priced premium quality pet foods. While we’re on the subject, home made dog food will be much less expensive than buying the premium brands that are touted as good for your pet. So start experimenting, and let your imagination be your guide. Your dog will love you for it.
You can easily make homemade dog food and benefit in terms of saving money and providing fresh and nutritious food for your dog. You will have to try a couple of times to understand what your dog’s preference is. Most of the pet food available in stores contains meat and you can include it depending on the health of your dog. You can get an idea about what to add while making the meal by checking the labels of very high quality premium dog foods. Making food for your dog at home is definitely cheaper than buying it from premium brands like Solid Gold dog food.
– Melinda Smith