As any cat owner will tell you, one of the biggest challenges about having a pet cat is the smell of the litter box and the effort needed for odor control. Cats are very clean animals, but because they are territorial and because they like to bury their waste in the same spot, it is up to their owners to manage their smelly cat boxes.
Ammonia and cat feces are two very strong odors. It is important to make sure that proper odor control is in place to reduce or eliminate the odors. Cat urine contains ammonia and in high concentrations it could be toxic to you and your pet. It is very important that the litter box be kept clean.
First it is necessary to make sure you have enough litter boxes. If you have multiple cats, experts suggest that you should have one litter box per cat, plus one extra. This keeps the cats happy because they don’t have to share, and it keeps one litter box from becoming too dirty. You can also control smells by keeping the litter boxes somewhere with good ventilation, and away from where you spend most of your time.
Cleaning the litter box frequently is the best way to achieve odor control. Cleaning it at least one time daily should suffice. This task can be accomplished easily if you use scoopable litter. Odor removal litter will keep the box from smelling.
Daily removal of soiled cat litter will ensure that the litter box remains fresh. The litter contains chemicals that can neutralize the odors of waste and ammonia. However, it is important that the box be cleaned regularly. Odor removal litter can be purchased that will aid in reducing the smell. A litter box that has air filters built in will also help. The air filters need to be replaced occasionally but they will help reduce the smell in the air.
Another good idea is to have air fresheners in the area where the cat boxes are stored. They can be candles, or the kind that plug into the wall, or sprays that refresh the air. Either way, they will go a long way in keeping your home smelling clean and saving your nose.
The first step is ensuring there are enough litter boxes. It is recommended by experts that there be one litter box per cat plus an extra litter box. Place the litter box in a location that has good ventilation. Cleaning the litter box frequently is the best way to achieve odor control. Odor removal litter will keep the box from smelling. When you remove smell kitty litter, your battle with bad smells will be helped quite a bit. Using litter boxes with lids help significantly too. Another good idea is to have air fresheners in the area where the cat boxes are stored.
– Fred Wild