Humans have increased the speed of evolution of dog species from the original wolves to the many breeds that are seen today. A modern dog can even be seen as a trophy and will cost thousands to acquire from a specialist breeder. They have been bred into all shapes, sizes and colors. They even have geographic traits and practically every country has a certain breed associated with it.
I have found many dog owners that say their dogs are unhealthy even though they have bought the best dog food. Dog food has a major role in the development of your dog. However, you should not over look the climate conditions for they also play a role in your dogs health.
For example, a dog like an Afghan hound would not do well as a pet in Switzerland. This means that dogs are what might be called ‘region-specific’. Returning to the subject of dog food, not all dogs will eat both the same type and amount of food. An example of this would be a watch dog, which requires a large amount of protein and carbohydrates.
You can feed your dog human food from the table, but you need to make sure that it contains all the nutrients your dog needs if this is his only food. And there are some foods that you absolutely must keep your dog from eating. Chocolate for one is extremely dangerous and can even kill your dog. Spices and sweets are also not meant for dogs. People who think they are rewarding their dog with chocolates and candy are making a very big mistake.
Pet owners who feed candy and chocolate to their dogs are making a big mistake. There are some things that are good for your dog such as carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, apples etc. And for meat you can use boiled chicken but make sure you remove any bones. But some foods are definitely to be avoided, and these include raisins and grapes.
There are many different kinds of natural dog food out there. You can easily find recipes for dog food that any dog would enjoy and there hundreds of options available when choosing food for your pet, but many owners choose the natural dog food made by Sojos Food. This brand is a quality dog food and is world renowned.
I have found many dog owners that say their dogs are unhealthy even though they have bought the best dog food. Dog food has a major role in the development of dogs. However, you should not overlook the climate conditions for they also play a role in your dog’s health. Not all dogs will eat the same type and amount of food. You can easily find dog food recipes that any dog would enjoy and there hundreds of options available when choosing food for your pet. Many owners choose the natural dog food made by sojos food. This brand is a quality dog food and is world renowned.
– Melinda Smith