How to Save on Veterinary Bills

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How to Save on Veterinary Bills

Holistic dog healthHolistic dog health is one thing I’m really passionate about. What is holistic dog health? Well, it’s an approach that focuses on the entire dog, and on keeping your dog healthy so that less veterinary intervention is actually required. That’s what holistic health for your pet involves in the general sense.

And if you’re interested in staying away from conventional vets altogether, the next step is to find a holistic veterinarian in place of your current conventional vet.

But even if you prefer to stay with your conventionally trained veterinarian, it makes sense to keep your dog healthy so as to avoid unnecessary trips to the vet and [tag]save on vet bills[/tag], doesn’t it?

An online colleague of mine who is actually a vet (as you know, I have no veterinary training myself), has a lot to say about conventional veterinary practise. And most of it is not very complimentary.

Dr Andrew Jones, DVM, as an adjunct to his veterinary practice, has produced a multi-media home study course revealing his veterinary secrets – a comprehensive course that will teach you how to largely care for your dog’s health yourself.

(By the way, if you click on the above link, please excuse the audio that plays automatically on the site. Andrew is a great vet, but he’s a terrible speaker – in my humble opinion, anyway. So try not to get irritated by the voice, but listen to the great things he’s actually saying!)

Anyway, back to what I was talking about …

Dr Andrew Jones is blowing the lid on conventional veterinary training. It’s what I’ve been saying for several years now, but Andrew says it so much more convincingly – after all, he’s speaking from direct experience.

Here’s what he has to say (it’s quite long, but it’s VERY important for your dog’s health):

” I learned a lot about animal disease in Veterinary School.

I was taught conventional ways to treat pet disease.

I was told that annual [tag]vaccinations[/tag] for pets was a necessity.

I was taught to feed ‘all in one nutrition’ commercial kibble.

One of the veterinary school’s big sponsors was Hills, and as Veterinary Students, we received discounts on Science Diet food for our own pets. The thought being that if you feed it to your own pets, then you are likely to recommend it to your clients.

I was taught that home cooked food for dogs was BAD.

I was taught that you would be CRAZY to feed RAW pet food.Holistic dog health

I was told about the science and benefits of a variety of “new” medications …

Everything we talked about was backed by research.

I was taught NOTHING about alternative healing, except from professors telling me that it doesn’t work.

Here is what I heard about the various types of alternate options:

Herbal Medicine … It doesn’t work.

Homeopathy … There is NO scientific basis … It is therefore a waste of time.

Chiropractic … It won’t help pets and may cause harm.

Supplements .. Most are useless, and only make pet owners feel like they are doing something. ”

So Dr Andrew Jones, DVM, qualified as a vet, and went into the world of veterinary medicine practising conventionally, as do the vast majority of our vets.

Conventionally trained vets know a lot about conventional medications, and their side effects.

Surgery is advocated by conventionally trained vets for many things. Don’t get me wrong, surgery is sometimes necessary, but (believe it or not) it is often recommended when there are alternatives available.

Conventionally trained vets are trained in talking clients out of any alternate option.

They are trained in telling pet owners why they should NEVER feed Raw Food.

And vets are experts in extolling the benefits of yearly vaccines, even though it is now known that they are not requHolistic dog healthired, and that they can cause serious problems.

So what was it that turned Andrew’s ideas around to a holistic veterinary approach?

Dr Jones tells it like this:

” In fact it wasn’t until my beloved older dog Hoochie died that I really made the switch.

I truly believe that much of what I did, according to my veterinary training, contributed to his death. ”

Andrew’s dog developed cancer at the age of 8, and Andrew is now of the view that this was at least partly as a result of Hoochie receiving multiple annual vaccines, being fed on a diet solely of commercial kibble, and being on an anti-inflammatory drug (which put stress on the liver). Quite likely the need for the anti-inflammatory medication was the fact that the dog was being fed a commercial dog food and/or being over-vaccinated – both can cause allergic-type reactions that many vets will then treat with anti-inflammatory medications. It’s an endless cycle.

Andrew believes now that even the addition on one herb in combination with the drugs, vaccinations and commercial dog food, may have given Hoochie a chance of a longer life. But unfortunately at the time, given his knowledge of conventional veterinary medicine only, Andrew did not know about the benefits of Milk Thistle Herb for healthy liver function.

So what are the “secrets” of healing that can save you money on veterinary bills that are never taught to Vets?

Here is Dr Andrew Jones’ list of veterinary secrets that he has discovered for himself that are not taught in veterinary schools – read them, implement them, save yourself some money on vet bills, and have a healthier and longer-lived dog into the bargain!

” 1. That there are many ways to heal, NOT just conventionally, and we must look at all the options, weighing the side effects with the benefits. An example would be using a Herbal combination called Skin Eze vs Steroids. Most of the time the Steroids are used, but few Pet owners are aware of ALL of the side effects, such as Liver disease and Diabetes.

2. Be open minded. Just because Dr XYZ say that there is NO scientific basis does not mean that it doesn’t work … It could mean that there is NO money in it for the drug company, so they won’t fund the study. An example of this is with a plant growing in your garden, Dandelion. It is an effective diuretic, and it is a nutrient source, BUT you can bet that 99% of Veterinarians have NEVER prescribed it as it doesn’t come in a pill, from their pharmacy, and it had few SCIENTIFIC studies. Holistic dog health

3. Question what you are told and marketed … Sure that wonder drug looks great, but WHY is that pharmaceutical company spending SO MUCH money on advertising? As Veterinarians we get much of our continuing education from Industry Reps.. They are in the business of selling a conventional drug/food/vaccine … QUESTION what they are saying. An example is ALL the big glossy ads selling Rimadyl … How often to you hear about ALL the side effects? And there are MANY.

4. Diet is KEY. And NOT all Nutrition comes in a BAG. Draw the analogy to your own health. Would you be healthier eating all your food that comes in a bag or can OR Fresh fruit and vegetables, organic meat, and without ingredients you can’t even pronounce? The SAME thing applies to your dog or cat..If you want a healthier pet then you’ve got to feed them healthier, including food that you make at home and Raw food.

5. Exercise. Not just a walk to the backyard to go pee. AT MINIMUM 30 minutes of running twice a day. Our pets were designed to MOVE. The benefits of Exercise are immense – from weight loss, to better behavior, to endorphin release, to preventing most of our chronic diseases. If you want to have a HEALTHY pet and AVOID the Vet, then commit to exercising regularly.

6. Vaccines. As little and as few as needed. I am convinced that I gave my own dog far to many vaccines, and this CONSTANT bombardment on his immune system wore him down, ultimately leading to Cancer that ended his life. If I had to do it all again, I would have given him a FRACTION of the vaccines that he had. And vaccine reps are GREAT at informing Veterinarians about the Newest upcoming disease … BUT if our pets were eating well and not over medicated, then their immune systems would be in better shape to challenge these diseases.

7. Encourage Pet Owners to be INVOLVED. To have a healthy pet, it is imperative that you as pet owners are KEY in keeping your pet healthy. You KNOW your pet BETTER than anyone. You can make decisions about pet food, about exercise, about vaccines, about alternate medical options. An empowered Pet Owner is a Wonderful person … You become further bonded with your pet. This doesn’t mean that you don’t see your Veterinarian, but that you work in conjunction with them, making suggestions and questioning their advice. Emergencies are always going to happen, there is still a place for conventional Veterinary Medicine, BUT as an EMPOWERED Pet Owner, you can Help prevent disease, and utilize alternate options. This could be something as simple as Massage for your dog’s sore back – this twice daily massage may mean that you could avoid that potentially potent Anti-inflammatory. ”

I’m really very happy that I’ve made contact with Andrew. His sentiments are those that I’ve been expressing for a few years now, based on my own suspicions from the extensive research I’ve done. But without any veterinary training myself, it’s difficult to substantiate anything that I say – hence the disclaimers that appear everywhere about not relying on any opinions I express because I have no expertise at all. But to have a conventionally trained vet espousing the same sentiments as my own is really encouraging for me. Because he IS an expert in his field!

You can find out more information on Andrew’s Vet Secrets Home Study Course by clicking here.

If you’re interested in saving on vet bills, this course is invaluable. Yes, it does involve an expenditure for the cost of the course, but it will pay for itself, possibly many times over, over the life of your dog – and will be responsible for giving your dog a longer life as well, if you follow the dog health information contained in it!

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About Brigitte Smith

Brigitte Smith is an entrepreneur with a love of dogs and a healthy lifestyle. Brigitte is passionate about holistic health alternatives for dogs, most of which are today suffering foreshortened lifespans in the wake of a lifetime diet of commercial pet food, and further contributed to by unnecessary over-vaccination and chemicals and poisons applied topically and internally. is one of Brigitte's sites dedicated to dog health, and in particular dog food reviews.

18 thoughts on “How to Save on Veterinary Bills

  1. Cindi

    Dr Andrew Jones Is Wonderful, I have had his E-Book for a long while. I have worked for Vets as a Vet tech in the early ’70’s, quit in 82 as I just could not stand giving all the dogs, cats so many meds all the time.

  2. jean rose

    Hi Brigette

    I have been getting info from Andrew Jones and find his views wonderful and for me the way to go .I used milk thistle before Jazz [my black labrador was desexed ] and then for some time after the operation —she ‘breezed’ through it all.

    Before my 3 Labradors I had 3 Dalmatians fed on dried food vaccinated regularly –2 developed cancer and finally tumors–were put down after enduring many operations.So now it’s holistic and homeopathy raw meat tuna vegetables fruits and grains and my 3 Labs are bouncing with good health.I like your new format –it’s easy to use.

    Regards Jean Jazz Johnny and Tom

  3. Maruchy Perez

    Hi Brigette,

    We haven’t emailed in a while but you know my “Bailey” story. I lived through almost loosing my puppy due to over vaccinating her without even knowing. I would take the “doctor’s” advice because that’s all I knew. It wasn’t until she became very sick and very aggressive (Bailey is a Bull Terrier) that I looked into alternative medicines. Bailey is now 6yrs. old and healthy and happy. I owe her life to holistic medicine and an animal communicator which was able to speak with her and guide the doctor and myself in making her whole again. Dian Samsle, Dr. Deamers & Dr. Johnson saved my little girl.
    Thanks for your articles.
    Maruchy, Bailey & Halle

  4. Kimberly

    Hi Bridgette,

    PugTona Pugs here & I must tell you my story as well… I started out breeding Min Pins many years ago, I was feeding them (3 at the time), a commercial pet food that was very expensive! I thought I was feeding a top of the line dog food. I didn’t know what those things were in the ingredients & never thought this pet food company would put harmful things in their food! My youngest female died suddenly of an enlarged heart & seizures at 8 years old! My other female & my male died of the same cancer & then tumors! I couldn’t believe this!!! I fed a great food! (I thought.) I blamed myself for our beloved pets for quite a while then I got smart! I did a lot of studying and research in pet foods. I found the truth was unbelievable!

    Our next breed (Pug) is ONLY fed a holistic food, organic treats, veggies, fruits, grains, & fish. No drugs, very few vaccines, herbs & all natural remedies. All 13 Pugs at present, are beautiful, happy, healthy 4 legged children loving life! I have been raising Pugs for sometime now, we have a waiting list for our puppies because we give an education on health of the pug as well as a healthy pug for life. Sometimes we help their pet(s) at home too, & that makes us feel we have helped one more helpless creature from pain & suffering in this harsh world!

    Sorry to get carried away, but keep up the GREAT WORK, both of you, so many more people are becoming aware on these subjects now! (We are starting to see it almost daily!)

    Thank you truly, PugTona Pug Breeder Of N.C.

  5. Brigitte Smith

    Hi Cindi,

    Thanks for your input.

    Interesting comments.

    And this was 25 years ago!

    I’m really happy you could see what was happening then and got out of the veterinary business. Perhaps it didn’t have much of an impact on the veterinary world overall, but if more people take a stand like you did, eventually our dogs’ health will benefit, because more and more people will discover what the pet food manufacturers and veterinary pharmaceutical companies don’t want us to know!


  6. Brigitte Smith

    Hi Jean,

    That’s great to hear that you’re already well on the way to saving lots of money on vet bills!

    And in part by using Andrew Jones’ information.

    It’s good to hear that already two of my readers (out of the four who have commented so far) have already heard of Andrew’s Veterinary Secrets and are making use of the information on how to reduce vet bills.


    P.S. Thanks for the feedback on the format! (I think many people are still a little nervous to jump in and post comments, but slowly I hope to talk everyone around!

  7. Brigitte Smith

    Maruchy – Hi!

    It’s great to hear from you again.

    And I’m so glad to hear that Bailey and Halle are still doing so well.

    For anyone who still hasn’t read Bailey’s story on my Healthy Happy Dogs site, go there now (click on any of the highlighted words) and read about the terrible effects of vaccinosis (caused by repeated vaccinations that many vets still advocate, despite overwhelming evidence that most of these pet vaccinations are not necessary).

    Stay in touch, Maruchy.


  8. Brigitte Smith

    Hi Kimberly.

    Nice to hear from you again.

    It’s great to hear that a serious dog breeder is spreading the word and educating new dog owners on the benefits of fresh dog food and natural remedies for pets. It’s just so important. And I’m so happy that you have a waiting list for your ultra healthy puppies.

    Just think – you’re personally responsible for all these new dog owners having to spend less time taking their dogs to vets, saving money on vet bills, AND having healthy and long-lived dogs.

    Great job!


  9. Debbie

    Hi Brigitte,

    I am not sure if you can give me advise or direct me to a site or person who can help. I try & do things natural for my dogs. My dog Sam has had seizures(lots) & is now treated with acupuncture & herbs with the best results, far better than with conventional meds.

    I have a foster dog & the group can not afford to send him to a holistic vet. He was fed a horrible diet of Kibbles & Bits for 6 years till we got him about 5 weeks ago. I have had him 1-2 weeks, & was told he looks better than he did when he came in. He has an itching problem, dermatitis (chronic) & it is so hard to adopt out a dog that itches 4 times (or more) in a minute. He has itched so much he has scratched himself.

    He is fed a premium diet, with home prepared food added, Omega 3, digestive enzymes, apple cider vinegar, Kelp Help ( mineral & vit. suppl.), garlic, 2 homeopathic remedies, & two different flower essences.

    I just started tonight adding 5 fresh herbs. I hope you can help me help Scooby with his scratching issue. My dog Ace also licks, scratching or chews on himself (but he is neurotic).

    Thank you, Debbie

  10. Brigitte Smith

    Hi Debbie,

    It certainly sounds as if you’re doing all the right things for both Sam, Ace, and your foster dog, Scooby.

    The problem with Scooby is that he’s been used to the very unhealthy diet (and probably exposed to chemicals and toxins as well) for a very long time. The skin problem has probably developed over a considerable period.

    Because of this, the natural methods you’re now using may take quite a while to balance his system.

    There are a couple of other things you might like to try –

    You could try giving Scooby (and Ace, since he seems to scratch and chew himself as well), a tablespoon or two (depending upon their size) of cottage cheese and a good quality Flax Seed Oil (also one to two tablespoons) per day.  Only buy refrigerated Flax Seed Oil (that has been kept refrigerated), and keep it in your fridge.  It destabilizes very easily if not kept at a low temperature.

    You could also try a specific Omega 3, 6 and 9 supplement – Dermatrix is one I highly recommend.

    And – most importantly, I believe – you may want to consider a detoxification remedy to actually detox all the toxins that have built up over the years in Scooby’s system – it wouldn’t hurt to give it to all your dogs – and the one I really like is Detox Plus.

    Hope this gives you some food for thought!


  11. Anne

    Hi, Brigitte, always great to receive your e-mails.

    My Max is doing great after his surgery last year. I had spoken with you regarding a large cyst on his chest that needed to be removed but, because of his age and possible health problem, we were uncertain about it. Anyway, he was put under anesthesia and the ugly cyst was removed.

    In the article of “How to Save on Veterinary Bills,” there was no mention of teeth cleaning. Max used to have his teeth cleaned at least once a year, but he was put under for that. Now I would be reluctant because of his age. I brush his teeth at home but I know he needs more care than that. What would you recommend for that, if anything?

    Have a really great day. God Bless.


  12. Brigitte Smith

    Hi Anne,

    Good to hear from you again. And I’m glad Max is doing well.

    Yes, I certainly do have a suggestions for an alternative to teeth cleaning – there is a great product that you just add to Max’s water, and it does the rest – see here –


  13. Jean

    Any ideas on seizures.

    My boy Casey is in the vet school as I write. Sunday he had 7 seizures in less than 24 hours. He has been on PB. Now they are going to add bromide. He was so pitiful. I hope I am able to pick him up today. Apparently he will be sedated as he will need a loading dose.

    Could you check with Dr Andrews? Thanks.

  14. Brigitte Smith

    Hello Jean,

    I’m terribly sorry for the delay in responding, and I do hope Casey is improving. I’m sorry to hear that he’s been so sick.

    There is a natural remedy that may help seizures in dogs – see

    It can be used as an adjunct to the drugs your vet has prescribed, and you may well be able to reduce the drugs in consultation with your vet. You’ll see information about this at the site.

    I really hope this will help Casey.


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  16. Judith

    I would like to know if there is an antidote for sweet worm wood. I gave two doses of this to my pet with cancer under the supervision of the pharmacist. However it was to much. My choc lab is about 70-8- lbs. Have been battleing with osteochrondroma bone tumor for almost a year. On raw foods and innova evo dog food. We have done herbs and immune builders, blood cleanser and tumor remedy, enzymes and bone mend and anure as well as bmo. I have given her flaxoil and now giving her shark liver oil with squalamine. Coat is nice and shiny. Has nasal problems due to the tumor, Have also been using harmonic quad for 3 minutes a day. What do you suggest? Three days ago lethargic and no energy, didnt want water and or food. gave a dropper full of electralyte pedicare. also ordered and started Goji juice. Seemed to pick up. tried chicken broth also. Have not been giving any herbs just food dry and a small amount to raw primal food. Still not to much energy.

  17. Brigitte Smith

    Hello Judith,

    I must point out that I’m not a vet and I have no veterinary training at all. I’m also not a trained expert in herbal remedies.

    I’m not aware that there is an “antidote” per se in relation to any herb, and I really don’t know if there’s anything you can give to counter a large dose of sweet wormwood (also known as artemisia). So I’m sorry, I can’t offer any help in that regard.

    As your dog has cancer, you’re no doubt under the care of a vet, which is good. And it sounds as if it’s a holistic vet, or at least a vet who is open to alternative methods of treatment. Goji juice is also a great natural remedy that appears to help considerably with cancer (according to the information on their site).

    Raw food is definitely a good thing for any dog, and particularly for a dog with particular health problems like yours. You may know that humans with cancer often do very well on a raw food diet. Dogs are no different.

    Building your dog’s immune system is also a great thing to be doing, as well as the blood cleanser and tumor remedy and the other remedies you’re giving. You seem to be doing all the right things! That’s so great.

    You ask whether I have any other suggestions.  The only other suggestion I have (and it may overlap with some of the other remedies you’re using, but it could be worth a try, is a specific cancer remedy for pets.  The Goji juice is said to do much of what this cancer remedy does, but I can’t see any downside to using them both if you wish to (of course check with your vet if you have any concerns).

    I wish you all the best with this treatment regime. It sounds as if your dog really is in the best hands – yours!


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