Hereditary Health Problems of Doberman Pinscher

Hereditary Health Problems of Doberman Pinscher

The Doberman Pinscher


The Doberman Pinscher is one of the smartest dogs around. They are fearless, protective, affectionate and very active. This breed is one of the most popular dogs that people love to adopt. However, there are several there are hereditary health problems of Doberman pinscher that the pet owner needs to know about.

Doberman Pinscher Health Problems

Doberman Pinscher Health Problems

A disorder that many Dobermans get is the von Willebrand’s disease. This is a type of bleeding disorder that around 70% of Doberman pinschers contract. The gene that manages the clotting of the blood is affected and the poor animal can bleed excessively from some injury because of it. Obviously the best way to prevent this is by doing your best to keep your dog from bleeding. However, if it does occur, blood transfusion is the generally accepted treatment for the von Willebrand disease.

Cervical vertebral instability or CVI is another disease that you should watch out for in Doberman pinschers. Basically this “Wobbler’s Syndrome” is brought about by the instability of the spine. It is believed that CVI can be caused by either genetics or poor diet (overfeeding of calcium, protein and phosphorus), or both. Make adjustments to his diet accordingly, or if the disease is in the more advanced stages, ask the vet for safe anti-inflammatory pain medication you can give your dog for his discomfort.

Alopecia is another one of the most common hereditary health problems of Doberman pinscher. The effect of this is hair loss in various parts of the body. It is seldom completely curable, but it can be managed with a medicated soap and by keeping the hair follicles free from bacterial infection and fleas.

Doberman PinscherNarcolepsy is a neurological problem that affects many Dobermans. This sickness is characterized by the canine having brief episodes of paralysis in his body. It would seem like he would suddenly blank out and fall asleep, with his legs crumpling beneath him. This only lasts for a few minutes and there are no fatalities of this condition that is yet known.

Hip dysplasia is common to many dog breeds, and this includes the Doberman. Regulate your dog’s diet so that he doesn’t gain too much weight which can aggravate this condition. Exercise for this active breed is highly recommended to control his weight, as well as keep him happy. Consult with the vet on how you can best manage these hereditary health problems of Doberman Pinscher.



Hereditary Health Problems of the Doberman Pinscher

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