Female Dog Care

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Female Dog Care

Female Dog CareAs with humans, there are certain types of dog health care issues that are peculiar only to female dogs, and others that occur only in male dogs.

The following informative article deals with female dog care issues such as spaying your female dog, canine breast cancer, pyometra – a serious condition of your dog’s uterus, and a canine version of phantom pregnancy.

Female Dog Care
by: Aki Desorcy

As there are certain health issues that affect only the female dog, care should be taken to ensure that these are fully understood before deciding whether or not to buy a bitch.

The most important dog health care concern is that of spaying.

Only those who are fully educated in all aspects of a specific breed and who have the time and energy to put into making sure that bloodlines are kept strong and healthy should ever consider breeding. With that in mind, most owners of female dogs will not be thinking of breeding and should therefore seriously consider having their pet spayed.

If the necessary surgery is carried out before your dog has her first heat cycle, the likelihood of her ever developing breast cancer will become almost zero percent. That alone is a very good reason to have your dog spayed as breast cancer is otherwise relatively common in older bitches. The chances of your dog developing pyometra, a disease of the uterus that can be fatal, is also greatly reduced.

Female Dog CareHaving your dog spayed will also relieve her of the twice yearly ‘season’ and the anxiety that often becomes part of it. She’ll no longer want to roam in order to find male dogs to mate with and you’ll no longer have to put up with the crowds of dogs who follow you during walks or who gather outside your home. And most importantly of all, unwanted pups will not become a problem.

If your female dog starts collecting her toys and treating them as if they were puppies, she’s almost certainly experiencing a false pregnancy. Fortunately, this rarely lasts more than a week and although the dog will become very protective of her imaginary offspring, treat her as normal and she’ll soon forget them.

If you’ve opted to not have your dog spayed, it’s important to understand how her heat cycle works. The first 10-14 days is the period BEFORE ovulation and this is the time during which she will bleed. Ovulation occurs as the bleeding stops so it’s important to understand that it’s during the 10-14 days following bleeding that she’s actually most likely to become pregnant. Far too many owners make the mistake of believing that their female dog is safe once the bleeding stops and over-filled dog pounds are the sad result.

Doggie diapers are available in most pet stores and come in a range of sizes to fit different breeds. These are designed to stop the dog leaving blood on your furniture and rugs but unfortunately, unless the dog has been taught to accept wearing them from a very young age, most will soon chew them off.

Female dog owners who chooFemale Dog Carese not to have their dog spayed MUST monitor their dog regularly for any lumps in the breasts and remember that unless they’re serious about breeding, they have a duty to ensure that their dog doesn’t produce unwanted puppies who will eventually find themselves sitting in a pound waiting for their death sentence to be passed.

Aki Desorcy is the Author of http://www.dog-treats-n-dog-care-tips.com/ where you will find free dog care care tips, dog treat recipes and other useful dog health care info for your pooch.

Female dog care is not something that I claim to have any specific knowledge or expertise on, even though all the dogs I’ve ever had (from when I was a child until now) have all been female.

If you have any comments in relation to the topics of female dog care mentioned in the article, please post them below.


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7 thoughts on “Female Dog Care

  1. penny corby

    my 22 month old staffishire bull is not her normal self, she seems very quiet, shes putting on wait and her teets seem to be getting bigger, do you think she may be having a phantom? if she is shall in keep her toys away from her or let her get on with it and treet her as normal? she mated with my neautred male, my vet said not to worry as my male is fire ing out blanks, could this be the course or her phantom?

  2. Janice White

    I have a lapso apso who needs her uterus removed but I am a single parent and don’t have the $800.00 to have it removed. The dog was given to me from my dying mom, now the dog needs surgery and I don’t have the funds. What will happen if she doesn’t have the surgery.


  3. katy

    my boston had 4puppy they 4 week old.Her breast black on one of her tip the other is very red .should I stop the puppy from feeding

  4. Brigitte Smith


    I’m sorry, I have no idea.

    You MUST see your vet for advice on this issue which could be affecting both the health of your dog and the puppies.


  5. Brigitte Smith


    I’m sorry, I’ve only just seen your comment.

    Again, I have no idea – you haven’t even mentioned why the uterus needs to be removed.

    And why will it cost $800?

    You MUST ask your vet what your options are.


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