Dear Brigitte,
I would like to share with you a funny story about Linus, my maltese cross poodle.
Even though he was diagnosed with a heart murmer, it does not stop him from being so frisky and playful.
He would go into his bedroom and bring back his stuffed teddy bear and place it on my feet. As he backs away, he would like me to throw it for him.
Doctor’s order, we can’t get him too excited because of his condition. I would just throw it in the air and then he will catch it and hold it in his mouth and lay down with it and make baby sounds.
When I try to take it away from him, the bear is all soppy with his saliva and insists on me throwing it again down the hall so he can play fetch. If I ignore him, then he will walk away and pout in a corner somewhere. I will go look for him, and apologize to him for not playing.
What can I do? I want him to play, but due to his heart condition, Linus is extremely active and wants to play, play and more play and then he will go and rest. What can I do for him?
This morning, Linus brought out his other favourite stuffed shoe toe with puckered red lips and walk around with it. I wonder if dogs think that these stuffed toys are their security blankets?
Even though Linus is our life for the last eleven years, I want him to enjoy the remaining few he has left! He has won many contests for the best looking dog and still win more because he is our sunshine that came into our lives!!
Tony & Ginger
That’s so cute.
Thanks for that story about Linus, Tony and Ginger.
If you’re interested in a natural supplement for heart conditions, you might want to check out the dog heart disease information here.