How do you know if your dog has allergies? There are different types of allergies in dogs and while the symptoms are similar, it is important that you know which type of allergy you are dealing with so you can get the correct treatment for your dog.
How Do You Know if Your Dog Has Allergies?
Extreme itchiness is the common sign that your dog has allergies. Your dog will be scratching, biting and even chewing his face and parts of his body in attempts to alleviate the discomfort. Many times the self-mutilation damages the skin and aside from hair loss, the dog will develop scars, wounds and painful scabs on his skin. Other symptoms may also include ear and skin infections, sneezing and watery eyes.
Now, it is very important that you go to the vet first before making your own diagnosis of your dog’s problems. There are several canine diseases that actually have similar symptoms. Some autoimmune diseases cause hair fall and flu-like symptoms in the body. A deficiency in the diet will make the animal’s skin dry, flaky and itchy. You never want to misdiagnose your pet and give him the wrong treatment that may potentially worsen his condition.
There are several things you can do to prevent dog allergies. For one thing, always keep your dog as clean and groomed as possible.
Dog Has Allergies to Fleas?
You may not know this, but the most common reason why dogs contract allergies is because of fleas. Your dog doesn’t even have to have a whole army of fleas to attack him to become infected. A single flea bite can affect a sensitive and sickly dog and trigger an onslaught of allergic responses.
A monthly flea prevention treatment is an excellent way of keeping parasites at bay, as are natural flea treatment programs. A good diet is also recommended because this will build up his immune system which equips him to fight off impending infections. Moreover, it is proven that healthy dogs actually repel fleas and mosquitoes effectively.
Many times molds, dust and pollen are the culprits of allergies in dogs. You may not have much of a say in the outdoor environment, but do what you can inside your home. Vacuum and clean your upholstery and furniture, especially in the areas where the dogs usually stay. Air conditioners breed molds when not cleaned regularly so disinfect these units whenever possible. A good air cleaner is a fantastic way to ensure the air quality of your home as well.
Dog Has Allergies to Food?
Food allergies may be a bit more challenging because you will have to find out what particular ingredient it is that your dog is allergic to. More than that, it is possible that food-allergic dogs may develop new allergies over time. It’s a good idea to find two or three diet plans that your dog adheres well to, and alternate it every three months or so. Look for natural and organic food that does not have preservatives and artificial additives. The less chemicals your dog is subject to, the healthier he will be.
What to Do About Dog Allergies
Fortunately, dog allergies are treatable and non life threatening. Go to the vet if your dog has allergies for a complete examination and recommendation on the best treatments you can give him.