Dog Flea Treatment Alternatives

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Dog Flea Treatment Alternatives

Fleas are perhaps one of nature’s worst enemies to man’s best friend. Alright, so maybe that seems a bit of an exaggeration, after all, fleas aren’t fatal aren’t they? Yes and no. Fleas in and out of themselves do not cause death. They do contaminate the bloodstream of their victim which in turn, can lead to serious ailments when not cared for accordingly.

You may have passed by pet stores that offer heartworm preventative drugs or other medical flea cures; but be aware that not every dog flea treatment is good for your canine. Look up the ingredients found in the drugs you are administering to your pet and consult with a trusted vet, or another pet owner with a lot of experience with dogs. The popular brands such as Frontline flea control and flea and tick control, and Advantage flea treatment or Anvantix flea and tick control are all chemical insecticides.

Dog flea treatment alternativesThese harsh chemicals can harm your dog’s system. They are given in low dosages to prevent immediate adverse reactions. Over time though, these toxic substances will take their toll on your dog’s health, giving him possible liver disease, kidney problems and heart complications later on.

Dog flea treatment alternatives that are natural are by far, the better way to handle the pesky vermin. Crush about half a clove of garlic and sprinkle it over your dog’s meals. Garlic is not only good for the canine’s well-being – it is a natural repellant for fleas and mosquitoes as well. A teaspoon of brewer’s yeast is also recommended for the B complex vitamin needs of the pet.

You will also find some specialty sites offering natural supplements that serve to improve your pet’s immunity. Many come in organic powder form. Consider purchasing these products because parasites tend to avoid healthy animals. More than that, when the animal is infected, a strong immune system will ensure that the problem is dealt with fairly easily.

Dog flea treatment alternativesA good dog tick treatment is as non-invasive as possible. Essential oils like lavender, geranium, peppermint, eucalyptus and myrrh are aromatic scents that fleas just hate. Apply a few drops on the dog’s sheets and collar. A citrus or apple cider blend sprayed lightly over the dog’s coat also helps in keeping away the parasites from him.

To make these dog flea treatments alternatives more effective, ensure that your home is as clean as possible. You may not be aware of it but there are more ticks and harmful organisms living atop your furnishings than on the animal itself. As such, they can not only be a nuisance to the canine, but can be a real source of irritant to your family as well.

Wash and vacuum your carpets, curtains and upholstery well. Put table salt or crushed rose petals on top of these overnight to guarantee eviction of unwanted house guests. Vacuum thoroughly again the following day. Take care to throw out the contents of the vacuum bag outside your home afterwards.

Fleas are annoying but all you need is to flex your creative muscles to send them all scampering to the other side of the street. Continue to learn more about great tips from your vets and reliable specialty websites around.

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